Reportage: ABRAHAM, patriarche et père de la foi.
Abstract :
If we had to talk about the Biblical History of Mesopotamia we would not fail to mention a man with exceptional moral and spiritual qualities to the point that God inclined his gaze towards him ...
This man will become the greatest of the Patriarchs and Father of the Faith.
"Your name will no longer be Avram but Avraham."
It is a passage that is familiar to us in more than one way. But do we know what it really represents?
His pilgrimage to the Holy Land has left traces in history.
The Covenant made with God will leave traces until the book of Revelation. We can still feel and see the effects of this Alliance ...
Main characters: Raphaël and Lydia Perrodin
Word of the song: Stéphanie Jérémie
Music: Anne Carter
Arrangement: Pawel Zarecki
Voice: Stéphanie Jérémie and Sherubin